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Here’s How Ed Tech Is Changing The Future Of Education

Here’s How Ed Tech Is Changing The Future Of Education

Here’s How Ed Tech Is Changing The Future Of Education

The wonders of Education Technology are very evident in the times of the current pandemic. The way technology has changed the way distribution of education over the years is admirable. Education is probably the sector where we have seen the most advancements, educationists along with app developers and other tech geniuses have come up with great inventions over the years and continue to do so every day. There’s no telling what amazing breakthroughs the future of education holds but it will not only be impressive but also very practical. Students who look for help with their online classes and go around asking companies “do my online class for me” are also able to do so only because of the advent of educational technology. So let’s dive further into how educational technology is bringing about worthwhile changes in the way we perceive education.

1) Improved Communication

One of the most prominent changes that education technology has brought about is the increased opportunities of two-way communication. Communication plays a crucial role in providing and receiving education. In conventional class rooms, the communication was limited to school hours and week-days. Students and teachers alike had to wait for the entire weekend only to ask timely questions or provide feedback. Even during school hours, communicating effectively is a bit of a trouble. Teachers are catering to large class rooms and hardly have time to listen to what each of their students have to say at all times. However, because of technological advancements communication is not bound to time or place. It has moved online, a platform which is available 24/7 and very convenient. Teachers can now instruct their students from the comfort of their homes and correspond on coursework among other things. There are several mobile applications that provide a communal platform where teachers, peers and sometimes even parents, can correspond and improve education attainment. There are lesser instances of miscommunication and the concepts given out by teachers are clearer as ever due to uninterrupted communication. Each student can now receive individual attention and flourish greatly.

2) Advanced Lesson Planning

Lesson planning is a very important part of providing education. For those who don’t know what lesson planning is: it is the advance planning of what lessons to give out during class and using what strategies. Since the olden times teachers spent a lot of time and energy into curating specialized and in-depth lesson plans for their students to benefit from. The problem that attracted the attention of tech genies was how difficult it is to design a lesson plan. So many of them have devoted a great deal of time looking for plausible solutions and have been quite successful. Now teachers can easily plan their lessons by using the resources available on the internet and connectivity of teachers all over the globe. Using the world wide web, teachers are able to share innovative lesson plans that have done wonders for their classes including alternative strategies to amplify the outcomes.

3) Interactive Learning

Learning was used to be confused with cramming for ages. People believed memorizing something word to word was enough to educate but the weakness of such methods soon surfaced. Memory is not reliable, you might forget all that you have crammed and more importantly you might not fully understand what you have learned. Using knowledge in a comprehensive manner is the essence of receiving an education. With the passage of time and heavy influence of technology things have changed greatly. Learning has evolved and education is not just limited to pen and paper. Now teachers are leaning more towards non-conventional methods to educate their pupils and these include hands-on activities, plays and what not. This would not have been made possible without technology. Teachers are bringing in projectors in class to teach their students and making other efforts in the same direction to improve learning.

4) Increased Connectivity

The world is now synonymous to the term ‘Global Village’. People now are more connected than ever; it is as if we are all just one big family. But what does that have to do with education? Over the years, education has seen some great changes due to technology, you can now receive world class education residing in whichever country. Prominent colleges and universities have collaborated and opened new platform to achieve education. They have introduced online programs that you can enroll from the couch in your living room and graduate with a degree from a prestigious university. Moreover, educational research and other correspondence has increased exponentially. Newer discoveries, strategies and other resources are getting shared as a collective effort to improve education.

5) Widespread Access Of Education

The access of education in third world countries has always been a hot topic for international non-governmental organizations. The children here are unable to afford private education and the government has failed to provide even primary education. This is when these international NGO’s stepped in and with the help of technology have improved the education in these areas. One example of their philanthropic work is setting up screens and having top notch teachers from overseas to educate these young bright minds as there is also a lack of educators in these areas.

6) Remote Learning

Remote learning is a very interesting concept. Due to technology and its wonders, students don’t have to go to an institute physically to get an education. Now it is very much possible to log into an online lecture and get the education you have always wanted to. Many professionals who had to leave education and earn a living can now make use of this great opportunity and complete their education. Similarly, in today’s time, remote learning has truly shined. The pandemic did cause a burp in education attainment but because of technology the burp was soon sidelined and education persevered through the tough times.

7) Adaptive Learning

Educators have made great discoveries pertaining to how different people learn. Some learn through their auditory skills, while some have great photographic memory which enables them to retain information and so on. To cater to the different learning styles, technology has played a big role and made sure there were new advancements that helped teachers create an environment that is inclusive of people of all varieties. Even challenged people with learning or physical disabilities are now able to have a bright future after getting education only made possible because of education technology.

8) Easy Assessment

Educational technology has made life a lot easier for educators. Previously, teachers spent hours going through each paper that the students submitted and checking them. But now things are very much simpler. You can easily conduct online assessments of students and use different software to get them checked or reviewed. The efficiency of teachers has improved a lot because of this and students are now able to get timely feedback on the papers they submit.

Here’s how technology has changed education, it’s pretty shocking and leaves one to wonder what’s next to come. If you ever need help with your online classes and need to ask someone to “Do My Class For Me” remember that it is only because of technology you are able to experience this aid.

Author: Admin

December 16, 2021


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